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大型飞机模型: 歼-20战斗机模型

发布时间:2024-09-15 来源://www.leshep.com/

  歼-20地采用了升力体 + DSI进气道 + 全动鸭翼 + 大边条 + 无尾三角翼 + 全动垂尾的极端复杂设计,整体造型就像一把尖锐的飞镖,划破长空。我们一项项来分析一下歼-20的气动布局特点。

  The J-20 has unprecedentedly adopted an extremely complex design consisting of a lifting body, DSI intake duct, fully dynamic duckwing, large slats, tailless delta wing, and fully dynamic vertical tail. The overall shape is like a sharp dart, cutting through the long sky. Let's analyze the aerodynamic layout characteristics of the J-20 item by item.02


  A lift body is an unconventional aerodynamic layout that does not have a regular wing, but instead uses a wing body fusion to generate lift in order to achieve a higher lift to drag ratio at low speeds. The concept of lift body was initially discovered by NASA while researching ballistic missile reentry technology, and later applied to the design of return spacecraft. At first glance, a pure lifting body looks like a stone, but this stone can generate its own lift and fly.

  ▌X-24A验证机,纯粹的升力体设计,没有主翼传统的飞机设计,机身用于搭载载荷,机翼用于产生升力,它们是两个独立的部件。就好比小孩做的飞机模型,在 。一根棍子上面绑一把尺子。

  The X-24A verification aircraft, with its purest lift body design, does not have the traditional aircraft design of a main wing. The fuselage is used to carry loads, and the wings are used to generate lift. They are two independent components. It's like a model airplane made by a child. Tie a ruler to a stick.


  Red Classic: MiG-15, a third-generation aircraft with a cylindrical fuselage and a single wing, introduced the concept of wing body fusion in its design. The smooth transition between the fuselage and wings is achieved through curves, which not only reduces aerodynamic drag but also increases the fuselage volume. The F-14 and Su-27 are both typical integrated lift body designs, with the rear fuselage as part of the wing, wide and flat, and a wing like longitudinal profile that can generate some lift. The engine adopts the form of a short cabin under the wing, arranged at large intervals, and the tunnel formed between the twin engines can constrain the airflow, increase the pressure on the lower surface, and improve lift. When the wing sweep angle of F-14 is 20 °, the body lift accounts for 40% of the total lift; When the wing sweep angle is 68 °, the body lift accounts for 60% of the total lift, which is astonishingly efficient. However, the third-generation aircraft is not a true lift body, only a partial lift body design is adopted in the rear fuselage, without considering stealth and supersonic maneuverability due to historical reasons.

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