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大型开云网页登录 的制作流程有哪些?


  大型开云网页登录 是为了满足展览需求以及影视剧拍摄的布景需求而产生的模型设备,而为了达到这些要求就需要有一套行之有效、科学严谨的制作步骤,现在就带大家了解一下大型开云网页登录 的制作步骤。

  A large-scale military model is a professional model equipment developed to meet the needs of exhibitions and film and television filming. To meet these requirements, an effective and scientifically rigorous production process is required. Now, let's take you to understand the production process of large-scale military models.


  1、 Skeleton fabrication

  接到客户的订单要求后,由设计人员进行大型开云网页登录 的设计。拿到图纸之后,师傅们会根据图纸将所需要的不同长度的方钢裁切出来,然后将其焊接成为大型开云网页登录 的骨架。

  After receiving the customer's order request, the design team first designs a large-scale military model. After receiving the drawings, the masters will cut the required square steel of different lengths according to the drawings, and then weld them into the skeleton of a large military model.


  2、 Iron skinning of the skeleton


After the skeleton is completed, the masters will weld the skin according to the plane distribution of the skeleton.



  3、 Spray primer putty and polish the joints

  在铁艺蒙皮环节结束后,涂抹适用于大型开云网页登录 的腻子,反复涂抹以达到理想的要求。等待腻子自然风干后,要在接缝处涂抹纤维材料并进行打磨。


  4、 Spray appearance and improve details

  ,根据客户的具要求,采用汽车漆对大型开云网页登录 的外观进行喷绘,可根据需求喷涂字样和标志,并调节相应的细节。

  Finally, according to the customer's specific requirements, the appearance of the large military model can be sprayed with automotive paint. Words and logos can be sprayed according to the requirements, and corresponding details can be adjusted.

  After the ironwork skin process is completed, apply professional putty suitable for large military models and repeat the application to achieve the desired requirements. After waiting for the putty to air dry naturally, apply fiber material to the joints and polish them.


This article is a friendly contribution from a large-scale military model. For more information, please click on: //www.leshep.com Sincere attitude, providing you with comprehensive service. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone, please stay tuned.
