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如今舰船模型也成了广大军事爱好者的心头好,纷纷在自己的收藏品中添置了一款。虽然收藏品众多,但是日常的清洁和保养也成了他们心中的难题,一旦照料不好,积灰还是小事,重要的是保养不当会对模型造成损坏。下面 大型舰船模型厂家为您讲解。
Now the ship model has become the favorite of the majority of military enthusiasts, and they have added one to their collections. Although there are many collections, daily cleaning and maintenance have also become a problem in their minds. Once they do not take good care of them, dust accumulation is still a small matter. The important thing is that improper maintenance will damage the model. The manufacturer of large-scale ship model will explain it to you.
When placing the model, it should be placed out of the reach of children to prevent them from accidentally touching or breaking the model, or even injuring children due to the model falling; Do not put the model in the direct sunlight position or under the ultraviolet lamp for a long time, which may cause fading and aging of the model and cause thermal melting; If the zinc alloy and other metal models are stored in a wet place for a long time, the metal on the surface of the model will be easily affected by moisture and rust, which will not only peel off the paint, but also affect the overall appearance of the model.
Pay attention to the strength of holding when playing daily. High simulation models such as ship models are composed of many fine parts. Once many small parts fall off, it is not only difficult to reinstall, but also easier to lose them because they cannot be found and can no longer be matched. There will be a lot of dust and oil stains on the human body surface, especially on the hands. Before playing and watching, pay attention to the cleaning of hands to avoid sweat stains staying on the surface of the model for a long time with the touching action. After playing, remember to clean the surface of the model in time to avoid rust.
Special brushes, hair dryers, etc. can be used to remove dirt and scale on the surface of the model on a regular basis, and the intensity must be light to prevent damage and destruction. The models that need professional maintenance can also be waxed. Pay attention to the amount of wax each time, keep the wax light and uniform, and avoid penetration into the gap.
舰船模型对众多军事爱好者有着特殊的意义,也承载了很多工程师的心血和热爱,在日常维护时,一定要注意细节,避免模型受到损害,延长它的保存时间。更多相关事项就来我们网站 //www.leshep.com咨询了解吧!
The ship model is of special significance to many military enthusiasts, and also carries the painstaking efforts and love of many engineers. During daily maintenance, attention must be paid to details to avoid damage to the model and extend its storage time. Come to our website for more information //www.leshep.com Ask and understand!