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In many cases, there are a lot of noise in my ears: how high has so and so done, how much money has been made, how good is so and so's business...... At this time, I suddenly thought of milk powder, ham sausage and stinky tofu. I was thinking: when can we Chinese people not do a career to death? But the reality tells me: cruelty is the best choice!

处处都在拎着焊枪焊制造大型航天模型,形形色色神态各异的铁艺云开全站app登录入口官网 在我中华神州大地亮相。但是:偷工减料不断增加,有些几乎不忍目睹,也打着创作的旗帜处处展现。某种东西一众多,也即是这个职业见顶的时候。不过我国的工作,无不是这种成果。

We are carrying welding guns everywhere to manufacture large-scale space models, and various iron transformer models with different looks are appearing in China. But: cutting corners is increasing, some can hardly bear to see, but also under the banner of creation everywhere. When there are so many things, it's time for this profession to reach its peak. However, our country's work is nothing but this kind of achievement.


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大型航天模型本身并不是高科技产品,目前国内变形金刚厂家所用的设备、工艺、材料并不比“洋”差很远,所欠缺的只是在产品设计和风格创新方面,二者之间的价位差大到足以抵消“洋”在设计上的优越性;同时云开全站app登录入口官网 是定制产品,在市场占有率不高以及区域市场消费者需求差异大的现状下,“洋”想缩短供货周期及平抑供货成本在短时间内根本无法形成优势。

The large space model itself is not a high-tech product. At present, the equipment, technology and materials used by domestic transformer manufacturers are not far inferior to those of "foreign" brands. What they lack is that in terms of product design and style innovation, the price difference between them is large enough to offset the advantages of "foreign" brands in design; At the same time, the transformer model is a customized product. In the current situation of low market share and large differences in consumer demand in the regional market, "foreign" brand can not form an advantage in a short time if it wants to shorten the supply cycle and stabilize the supply cost.


Thank you for reading, hope the above content can help you, if you want to know more wonderful content, please click our official website: large space model //www.leshep.com .
